Monday, February 11, 2013

Got some work done today

Managed to sort out some work for new scripts and threw out a lot of old stuff. Also, I went to my brother and sister in law's home today and helped her. She is having problems with her legs and I just wanted to do what I could for her, my brother and their little grand son. I pray that God will strengthen my sister in law and our family and continue to bless us with His grace and mercy. A little tired tonight so will sign off now and until the next time, May God bless you. ~Minnie Dix aka Leigh McKnight

Will be writing and organizing material for new novels

Hello All, Will be visiting a sick family member today. We had a terrible scare yesterday and spent hours at the local hospital. Hoping all will be well soon. Later this afternoon and this evening, I will be going thru folders of material I have for many novels I hope to write, God's willing. As a reminder, my e-book, SATISFYING THE WOMAN IN ME, will be coming in paperback very soon. Please look for it @, Amazon, B&N, BAM. The book will not disappoint so please check it out. Many blessings to you all until next time. Minnie Dix aka Leigh McKnight

Monday, February 4, 2013

E-Book soon to be in paperback

Hello everyone, Just a brief note to say that one of my e-books will soon be released in paperback. The book is entitled, "SATISFYING THE WOMAN IN ME." It is a truly human story that you will enjoy as you go on the journey with Dr. Teyona Carter. Look for its release. Blessings to you all. Minnie Dix aka Leigh McKnight

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First Thanksgiving & Christmas without Mama

Hello all, This is my fourth blog since losing Mama. My mother, Mrs. Ruby Dix left us to be with the Lord and my dad on June 13, 2012. That was the most devastating day of my life and this is my first time writing about it. About a week before Mama left us, my sister and I took Mama to Myrtle Beach and tho Mama had Alzheimer's disease, we could tell she enjoyed the trip there and back and the days when we were in the hotel. We stayed at a nice hotel on the 6th floor overlooking the ocean. Each morning we opened the drapes and the door and propped Mama up on pillows in the Murphy bed. The three of us never did make it to the bed rooms. My sister slept on the sofa and Mama and I sleep in the Murphy bed and enjoyed the breezes coming off the ocean. Everytime we looked at Mama, she would turn her head away from the ocean,look at us and smile. It appeared that enjoyment registered in her eyes. The one thing we did know for sure was that everything about Myrtle Beach and the stay appeared to agree with Mama. When we got Mama ready for bed at night, she would sleep throughout the night only to wake when we did so to take care of her. After which she would go right back to sleep. I am so glad my sister and I decided on that week to vacation with Mama because we will never get that physical chance to do so again. It was so special, so great. On the way to the beach, everytime I would take a curve a little to fast or hit a bump, Mama would open her eyes, look out the window and then look at me. A few times we could hear her utter, uuuum. She was just to funny, some of the things she did. We are experiencing a number of firsts as most people do. This was our first Thanksgiving and Christmas without Mama and all I can say is we are grateful that God brought us through it. This was the first Christmas that we didn't have Christmas dinner at Mama's house in all the days of my life. My siblings had dinner in their home. I left my home on Christmas morning and drove to ATL to spend time with her and her family. It was bitter/sweet. I am just so glad that God allowed us to have Mama, her care of us and our care of her for that time we had each other and I know that God has Mama in His arms now and she is in wonderful care. I don't know where we would be if we didn't believe that Mama was with God and our Daddy. We thank You, Lord. Thank you for reading this blog and blessings to you always. Minnie Dix aka Leigh McKnight

New Paperback to arrive shortly--SATISFYING THE WOMAN IN ME

Dear all, This is to inform you all that one of my e-books, Satisfying The Woman In Me, is scheduled to be completed mid March. Please check as well as Amazon, Books A Million and Barnes and Noble. This book is sure to please. So, please check it out. Blessings to all of you, ~~Minnie Dix aka Leigh McKnight

New information on arrival of new paperback

Hello everyone, Just want to say hello again and to let you know that I have a new website and I'd really like if you would check it out. It is I've got a variety of books on the site ranging from adult fiction/novels, humor, romantic short stories and children books. I've even got e-books out there for your reading pleasure. Also, for those of you who are interested in rap music and are fans of Wu Tang Clan, my nephew, Masta Killa of Wu Tang Clan has a new CD that was released in December 2012, Selling My Soul. Please visit Thank you for supporting us and blessings to you always. Minnie Dix aka Leigh McKnight

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sumter County Library Book Fair

It's been a while since I have blogged but intend to do more of it. I participated in the Sumter County Library Book Fair today, Sat, Jan 26, from 3-5pm and it was great. I sold some books, gave out some info, spoke with some people, letting them know how I got started writing. It was Great. I had five books on display, but I talked about all eleven books that I have written. They are FROM MY FRONT PORCH and sequel, SINNERS NEVER SLEEP,(fiction) CHAMPAGNE DREAMS AND CHOCOLATE KISSES, (short romantic stories--not on display), 150 REASONS WHY I CAN'T SERVE ON JURY DUTY (humor--not on display) THE OAK TREES THAT TALK (four books, two of which were on display - Fall and Winter) and BELCHER, THE 10th REINDEER. i Also talked about my e-books, LOOKING FOR MR. TONIGHT and SATISFYING THE WOMAN IN ME. Satisfying The Woman In Me is soon to be released in paperback. I met some great authors, some of whom are my Facebook friends. It was a nice time and I learn some new things.