Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I've got a virus; chills, fever and not feeling good

Hello Everyone,

Well, after so many family members and friends who got this virus, I came down with it. I've got chills and fever and just don't feel good at all. To those of you who aren't familiar with my work, please pick up a copy of my books; From My Front Porch and the sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. You will enjoy them. Blessings to you. I am going to bed. This girl needs some rest.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why can't dentist do all work in a couple of weeks instead of a couple of years?

Hello All,

I went to the dentist again on yesterday. Why do dentist stretch out work that they do that can be done in a few appointments not like I have a problem with all twenty-eight teeth that I do have. I did some writing last night on a new book. Not sure when it will be finished. Again, to those of you who aren't familiar with my work, I have two novels on the market by Urban Soul. The books are From My Front Porch and sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. Please buy or order online my books and let me know your thoughts.

Thanks again to those of you who supported me this past weekend at Books A Million stores in Charleston on Friday and Fayetteville on Saturday. Both signings went well. Until next time, be blessed.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Book Signings at BooksAMillion in Charleston and Fayetteville went well

Hello You All,

Just writing to say that my book signing at Books A Million in Charleston and Fayetteville this past weekend went well. People are still buying From My Front Porch and the sequel Sinners Never Sleep. Thanks to all of you for your support. Those of you who haven't read the books yet, please buy or order a copy soon. Remember, there are more hot and spicy, slice of life books to follow. Read and enjoy!

Blessings to you all until next time!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Writing most ot the day

Hello You All,

Not much to say today because I have been writing most of the day. Very close to completing another project. Want to finish so that I can get back to reading some more. Booked several more stores today for book signings, which I will post later.

If you haven't read any of my books, please check them out. They are From My Front Porch and the sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and visit my website, for information on how you can follow me. Please feel free to comment on my blog or sign my Guestbook on my site.

Thanks for being there for me. And, until next time, I am,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book Signing, Waldenbooks in Charleston on Friday and Sumter Mall on Saturday

I hadn't done a book signing in Waldenbooks in Charleston on corner of Meeting and Market Streets since last year but it was great being in that store again. I was saddened that one of my favorite managers in the Charleston stores has left. The signing went okay..It has gone better but it was such a beautiful day and there was some sort of air show going on so there wasn't much of a crowd.

My signing in Sumter went pretty good. Although, I have done a lot better here as well. The manager told me that they still sell a high number of my books so I am just greatful for everything and everyone who come out in support of me. I am still working on a number of other projects and will notify when something new is coming out. Please go out and buy or order my books online. The books are From My Front Porch and sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. Thanks so much.

Blessings to you all until next time. Love to you all!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Book Club will be discussing From My Front Porch

Hello Everyone,

Just a note to say that a book club at JaveNook Books will be discussing From My Front Porch during the month of May. I am excited about that. It's is already late and I have to put Mama to bed so I will talk with you later. By the way, please go out and buy or order online my books, From My Front Porch and the sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. I appreciate you very much and have a great evening.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Beautiful Sunday Afternoon to Run Errands Or Just Relax

Hello out there,

Well, it's Sunday again and my time to spend several hours away from home to either go shopping, a drive, visit Swan Lake or whatever I want to do. Two of my brothers, Jerry and Robert, came in and took care of Mama after church today while I took some Minnie/Leigh time. When I returned home, Mama was asleep and only one brother was here. Those boys are manning up. They don't like to be here with Mama alone--simply put, one can't handle her alone.

Still relishing in the fact that my book signings over the weekend went very well. I did BookAMillion in Florence Friday afternoon and BooksAMillion in Northwoods Mall in Charleston on Saturday. I signed my books, From My Front Porch and the sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. Thanks to each and everyone of you who came out and supported me. I take nothing for granted and I love you all dearly. Until next time, Blessings to you all.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Book signings at Books A Million in Florence and Charleston

Here I go again; Often times, due to family situations, I do book signings at the spur of the moment. The stores are so gracious to me, they always keep plenty of my books on hand so that if I want to do a signing of my two books, From My Front Porch and sequel Sinners Never Sleep, I can call only days in advance and they will have me come in and do a signing. I can't thank the few stores that I do go to, enough. They even encourage customers to purchase my books when I am not there. It doesn't get any better than that.

I did a repeat signing at BAM in Florence again this Friday night and it went well. I alwo did a signing in Charleston at BAM in the Northwoods Mall. Charleston always goes well. Many thanks to all the wonderful people who support me. I simply couldn't do it without so much support. Thank God and thank you too.

For those of you who are not familiar with my books, please go out or go online and purchase From My Front Porch and Sinners Never SLeep. I would appreciate it very much.

Mama and I are going to bed now. Have a good night you all and enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Book signing in Florence and Charleston this weekend

Hello Again,

Will be doing book signings back at Books A Million in Florence on Friday, April 9, 2010, beginning at 3:30. I will be signing From My Front Porch and the sequel Sinners Never Sleep. I will also be in Charleston at Books A Million in Charleston, Northwoods Mall on Saturday beginning at 2 pm. If you are in the area, please join me. I know as always, it will be a blast!!!

Love to you all.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Book Signings in Florence, SC at Books A Million and Barnes & Noble

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to drop a note to say I did two book signings this past weekend(both in Florence, SC. The books are From My Front Porch and the sequel, Sinners Never Sleep. I was at Books A Million on Friday and though I didn't sell as many books as I normally do at that store, I sold several dozens at Barnes & Noble on Saturday. I was pleasantly surprised that I got to meet several of my Facebook friends and their families and one of the reviewers for Rawsistaz. They were all very nice and we had wonderful talks and some of them bought books which I appreciated very much.

I took my Mama with me both days over the weekend and though I believe she got a little tired on Saturday, I could tell she was enjoying riding around in the wheel chair enjoying seeing all the people while her sitter shopped. I just want to say how accommodating the stores are with me. They don't have a problem with how long I stay. If I want to leave for a minute just to check on Mama, they don't have a problem with that. And, the nice thing is that they allows me to come whenever I want to.

I just want to thank everyone who supports me, come out and ask questions about publishing or just to talk. I enjoy it all and feel priviledge that God has put so many wonderful people in my life. Thanks to you all and I love you.
